Birch Tree

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In this Birch Tree Pictures category you will find lots of nice pictures of birch trees.

Birch Trees

You will find a lot of wonderful information on birch trees, including information about the birch tree species, planting information, and much more.

This is valuable and useful information that can help you to learn more about the birch tree.

Birch Tree Photos

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Enjoy these pictures of birch trees.

Birch Tree Pictures

Birch Tree Bark

Birch Trees

Birch Tree Grove

Stand of Birch Trees

Birch Tree Leaf

Birch Tree Leaf

Silver Birch Tree
Birch Tree Picture
Birch Tree
Birch Tree
Birch Tree Image
Birch Tree Picture
Birch Tree Photo
Birch Trees
Birch Tree in Winter
Black Birch Tree
Icy Birch Tree
Birch Tree
Nice Birch Tree
Paper Birch Tree
Birch Tree Pic
Birch Tree
Winter Birch Tree

Types of Birch Trees, Different Birch Tree Species

  • Cherry Birch Tree
  • Dahurian Birch Tree
  • Downy Birch Tree
  • Dwarf Birch Tree
  • Himalayan Birch Tree
  • Japanese White Birch Tree
  • Paper Bark Birch Tree
  • River Birch Tree
  • Silver Birch Tree
  • Water Birch Tree
  • Weeping Birch Tree
  • Yellow Birch Tree

Birch Tree: Facts & Info on Birch Trees

Here is some detailed information on birch trees.

Birch is the name of a certain tree of the genus Betula, in the family Betulaceae, closely related to the beech/oak family, Fagaceae.

Birch species are generally small to medium-size trees or shrubs, mostly of temperate climates. The simple leaves may be toothed or pointed. The fruit is a small samara, although the wings may be obscure in some species. They differ from the alders (Alnus, other genus in the family) in that the female catkins are not woody and disintegrate at maturity, falling apart to release the seeds, unlike the woody cone-like female alder catkins.

The bark of all birches is characteristically marked with long horizontal lenticels, and often separates into thin papery plates, especially upon the Paper Birch. It is practically imperishable, due to the resinous oil which it contains. Its decided color gives the common names gray, white, black, silver and yellow birch to different species.

The buds form early and are full grown by midsummer, all are lateral, no terminal bud is formed; the branch is prolonged by the upper lateral bud. The wood of all the species is close-grained with satiny texture and capable of taking a fine polish; its fuel value is fair.

The leaves of the different species vary but little. All are alternate, doubly serrate, feather-veined, petiolate, and stipulate. They often appear in pairs, but these pairs are really borne on spur-like two-leaved lateral branchlets.

The flowers are monoecious, opening with or before the leaves and borne on three-flowered clusters in the axils of the scales of drooping or erect aments. Staminate aments are pendulous, clustered or solitary in the axils of the last leaves of the branch of the year or near the ends of the short lateral branchlets of the year. They form in early autumn and remain rigid during the winter. The scales of the staminate aments when mature are broadly ovate, rounded, yellow or orange color below the middle, dark chestnut brown at apex. Each scale bears two bractlets and three sterile flowers, each flower consisting of a sessile, membranaceous, usually two-lobed, calyx. Each calyx bears four short filaments with one-celled anthers or strictly, two filaments divided into two branches, each bearing a half-anther.

Birches often form even-aged stands on light, well-drained, particularly acidic soils. They are regarded as pioneer species, rapidly colonising open ground especially in secondary successional sequences following a disturbance or fire. Birches are early tree species to establish in primary successions and can become a threat to heathland if the seedlings and saplings are not suppressed by grazing or periodic burning.


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