Magnolia Tree Pictures

In the Magnolia Tree Pictures Gallery you can view lots of nice photos of magnolia trees.

You will find a lot of wonderful information on magnolia trees, including facts about the magnolia tree species, planting information, and more to help you identify the various magnolia tree types..

This is valuable and useful information that can help you to learn more about the magnolia tree.

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Magnolia Tree Images

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Magnolia Tree Pictures, Photos of Magnolia Trees

amazing magnolia tree
magnolia tree pic
magnolia buds
magnolia picture
magnolia tree image
magnolia tree
magnolia tree
magnolia tree flowers
magnolia tree image
Magnolia Tree
magnolia tree
magnolia tree picture
nice magnolia tree

Magnolia Trees, Facts on the Magnolia Tree Species

Types of Magnolia Trees

  • Dwarf Magnolia Trees
  • Jane Magnolia Tree, member of "Little Girl" hybrid magnolias
  • Japanese Magnolia Trees
  • Magnolia Stellata, called Star Magnolia Trees
  • Saucer Magnolia
  • Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora)
  • The Little Girl Hybrids
  • Tulip Magnolia Trees

Here is some detailed information on the magnolia tree.

Magnolia is a large genus of about 210 flowering plant species in the subfamily Magnolioideae of the family Magnoliaceae. It is named after French botanist Pierre Magnol.

Magnolia is an ancient genus. Having evolved before bees appeared, the flowers developed to encourage pollination by beetles. As a result, the carpels of Magnolia flowers are tough, to avoid damage by eating and crawling beetles. Fossilised specimens of M. acuminata have been found dating to 20 million years ago, and of plants identifiably belonging to the Magnoliaceae dating to 95 million years ago. Another primitive aspect of Magnolias is their lack of distinct sepals or petals.

The natural range of Magnolia species is a disjunct distribution, with a main center in east and southeast Asia and a secondary center in eastern North America, Central America, the West Indies, and some species in South America.

In general, Magnolia is a genus which has attracted a lot of horticultural interest. Hybridisation has been immensely successful in combining the best aspects of different species to give plants which flower at an earlier age than the species themselves, as well as having more impressive flowers. Magnolias are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species, including Giant Leopard Moth.

The bark from Magnolia officinalis has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine, where it is known as hou po. The aromatic bark contains magnolol and honokiol, two polyphenolic compounds that may have demonstrated anti-anxiety and anti-angiogenic properties. Magnolia bark also may have been shown to reduce allergic and asthmatic reactions.

Magnolia has attracted the interest of the dental research community because magnolia bark extract inhibits many of the bacteria responsible for caries and periodontal disease. In addition, the constituent magnolol interferes with the action of glucosyltransferase, an enzyme needed for the formation of bacterial plaque.


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