Sycamore Tree Pictures

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Sycamore Tree Gallery has lots of nice pictures of sycamore trees.

Sycamore Tree Facts

You will find a lot of wonderful information on sycamore trees, including information about the sycamore tree species, planting information, and much more.

This is valuable and useful information that can help you to learn more about the sycamore tree.

Sycamore Tree Images

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Enjoy these pictures of the sycamore tree.

Sycamore Tree Fruit

Sycamore Tree Fruit: Winter Picture of Sycamore Fruit

Sycamore Leaf and Fruit

Sycamore Tree Fruit: Winter Picture of Sycamore Fruit

Sycamore Fruit

Sycamore Tree Pictures

american sycamore

Sycamore Tree

american sycamore tree

Sycamore Bark

big sycamore tree


green sycamore tree

Green Sycamore Tree

sycamore tree

Sycamore Tree in Winter

old sycamore tree

Old Sycamore Tree

sycamore trees

Sycamore Tree Bark

sycamore tree

Winter Sycamore

nice sycamore tree

Sycamore Tree

sycamore roots
sycamore tree
sycamore fruit
sycamore fig tree
sycamore tree photo
sycamore tree photograph

Sycamore Tree Pictures 1 - Sycamore Tree Pictures 2

Sycamore Tree Types: List of Different Varieties of Sycamore

  • American Sycamore Tree, platanus occidentalis also known as American Plane Tree
  • California Sycamore Tree, platanus racemosa also known as western sycamore or California plane tree
  • Arizona Sycamore Tree, platanus wrightii native to canyons, streams and rivers in south and central Arizona
  • English Sycamore Tree, London plane Tree, popular landscaping variety
  • Sycamore Maple Tree, dark green, thick, leatherlike leaves that grow 3 to 6 inches wide

Common Uses for Sycamore Trees

Sycamore is a hard wood. Once used by native americans to build canoes it is now most commonly used for:-

  • Sycamore Veneer
  • Sycamore Flooring
  • Sycamore Furniture
  • Sycamore Barrels
  • Sycamore Cabinets

Sycamore Tree Species Facts & Information

Ficus sycomorus, called the sycamore fig or the fig-mulberry (because the leaves resemble those of the Mulberry), sycamore, or sycomore, is a fig species that has been cultivated since early times. (Sycamore has been used for a variety of plants.) Ficus sycomorus is native to Africa south of the Sahel and north of the Tropic of Capricorn, also excluding the central-west rainforest areas. It also grows naturally in Lebanon, where the famous Gemmayzeh street is named after its arabic name Gemmayz, the southern Arabian Peninsula,in Cyprus and in very localized areas in Madagascar, and has been naturalised in Israel and Egypt. In its native habitat, the tree is usually found in rich soils along rivers and in mixed woodlands.

Ficus sycomorus grows to 20 m tall and 6 m wide with a dense round crown of spreading branches. The leaves are heart-shaped with a round apex, 14 cm long by 10 cm wide, and arranged spirally around the twig. They are dark green above and lighter with prominent yellow veins below, and both surfaces are rough to the touch. The petiole is 0.5 to 3 cm long and pubescent. The fruit is a large edible fig, 2 to 3 cm in diameter, ripening from buff-green to yellow or red. They are borne in thick clusters on long branchlets or the leaf axil. Flowering and fruiting occurs year-round, peaking from July to December. The bark is green-yellow to orange and exfoliates in papery strips to reveal the yellow inner bark. Like all other figs, it contains a latex.

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