Mulberry Tree

Mulberry Tree Pictures welcome. In the Mulberry Tree Photo Gallery you will find lots of nice pictures of mulberry trees, weeping mulberry and the fruit of the mulberry tree.

Mulberry Trees

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This is valuable and useful information that can help you to learn more about the mulberry tree.

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Mulberry Tree Images

Mulberry Tree Fruit

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Mulberry Tree Pictures Library

Mulberry Tree, Picture of Trimmed Mulberry | Trees:Mulberry at

Mulberry Tree

Mulberry Tree, Picture of Mulberry Fruit Tree | Trees:Mulberry @

Mulberry Fruit

Weeping Mulberry: Landscaping with Mulberry Tree | Trees:Mulberry at

Weeping Mulberry Tree

Mulberries: Picture of Mulberry Tree Fruit | Trees:Mulberry+Fruit @

Ripe Mulberry

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Weeping Mulberry Tree

mulberry tree

Mulberry Fruit



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Mulberry Tree Bark

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Ripening Mulberry

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Mulberry Leaves

mulberry tree photo

Weeping Mulberry Tree

iced mulberry tree

Iced Covered Mulberry

Mulberry Tree; Picture of a Weeping Mulberry Tree

Mulberry in Leaf

Mulberry: Mulberry Tree Branches Twigs in Winter
mulberry tree image
mulberry tree bark
mulberry tree picture
paper mulberry tree
red mulberry tree
mulberry tree image
the mulberry tree
the mulberry tree
Mulberry Tree Pictures; Shaped Trimmed Mulberry Shrub | Trees:Mulberry at
mulberry tree pic

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Mulberry Tree Scientific Name: Morus

Mulberry Tree Types: Different Types of Mulberry Trees

  • African Mulberry Tree, Morus Mesozygia, native to south and central Africa
  • Chinese Mulberry Tree, Morus australis, native to south east Asia
  • Red Mulberry Tree, Morus Rubra, native to North America
  • East Asian White Mulberry Tree, Morus Alba
  • Black Mulberry Tree, Morus Nigra, native to south west Asia, American Mulberry,
  • Texas Mulberry Tree, Morus Microphylla, native to USA and Mexico
  • Himalayan Mulberry Tree, Morus Macroura - can bear fruit for several hundred years
  • Paper Mulberry Tree, Broussonetia papyrifera
  • Weeping Mulberry Tree, Morus alba,“Pendula", White Mulberry
  • White Mulberry Tree, Morus Alba, native to East Asia

Mulberry Tree: More Names

Chinese White Mulberry Tree, American Mulberry Tree, Common Mulberry, Russian Mulberry Tree, Silk Worm Mulberry, Chi Sang, Moral Blanco

Mulberry Tree Fruit

Mulberry Tree, Facts and Info on Mulberry Trees

Here is some detailed information on mulberry trees.

Morus is a genus of flowering plants in the family Moraceae. The 10 to 16 species of deciduous trees it contains are commonly known as Mulberries. They are native to warm temperate and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas, with the majority of the species native to Asia.

The closely related genus Broussonetia is also commonly known as mulberry, notably the Paper Mulberry, Broussonetia papyrifera.

Mulberries are swift-growing when young, but soon become slow-growing and rarely exceed 10 to 15 m (33 to 49 ft) tall. The leaves are alternately arranged, simple, often lobed, more often lobed on juvenile shoots than on mature trees, and serrated on the margin.

The fruit is a multiple fruit, 2 to 3 cm (0.79 to 1.2 in) long. The fruits when immature are white or green to pale yellow with pink edges. In most species the fruits are red when they are ripening, turning dark purple to black and have a sweet flavor. The fruits of the white-fruited cultivar of the white mulberry are green when young and white when ripe; the fruit in this cultivar is also sweet but has a very mild flavor compared with the darker variety.

The ripe fruit is edible and is widely used in pies, tarts, wines, cordials and tea. The fruit of the black mulberry, native to southwest Asia, and the red mulberry, native to eastern North America, have the strongest flavor. The fruit of the white mulberry, an east Asian species which is extensively naturalized in urban regions of eastern North America, has a different flavor, sometimes characterized as insipid. The mature plant contains significant amounts of resveratrol, particularly in stem bark. The fruit and leaves are sold in various forms as nutritional supplements. Unripe fruit and green parts of the plant have a white sap that is intoxicating and mildly hallucinogenic.

Black, red, and white mulberry are widespread in Northern India, Azerbaijan, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Georgia, Armenia, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, and Afghanistan, where the tree and the fruit are known by the Persian-derived names toot (mulberry) or shahtoot (King's or "superior" mulberry). Jams and sherbets are often made from the fruit in this region. Black mulberry was imported to Britain in the 17th century in the hope that it would be useful in the cultivation of silkworms. It was much used in folk medicine, especially in the treatment of ringworm.

Mulberry leaves, particularly those of the white mulberry, are ecologically important as the sole food source of the silkworm (Bombyx mori, named after the mulberry genus Morus), the pupa/cocoon of which is used to make silk. Other Lepidoptera larvae also sometimes feed on the plant including common emerald, lime hawk-moth, and the sycamore.

Mulberry: Trivia, Reference, Notes about Mulberry Trees

Mulberry Tree

Mulberry Trees take at least 10 years to produce any mulberries so if you decide to grow a mulberry tree for the fruit you will have to be very patient!.

Mulberry fruit comes in white mulberry, black and red/burgundy. The white mulberry leaves are fed to silkworms which in turn produce a fine silk thread. Birds and humans also like to eat the ripe mulberry fruit.

Mulberry Tree

Mulberry tree in the pioneer settler days of the 1800's, was grown and harvested for the mulberry's sweet fruit. Excellent to eat on their own or made into a Mulberry jam for the winter months.

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