Teak Tree Pictures

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Teak Tree Pictures

teak wood tree
teak tree forest

Teak Tree Scientific Name: Tectona

Teak Tree Types; Different Types of Teak Trees

  • Common Teak Tree, Tectona Grandis found in India and Indo China
  • Dahat Teak Tree, Tectona Hamiltoniana - endangered species
  • Philippine Teak Tree, Tectona Philippineasis - endangered species

Teak Tree, Facts on the Teak Trees Species

Here is some general information on teak trees.

Teak, is the common name for the tropical hardwood tree species Tectona grandis and its wood products. Tectona grandis is native to south and southeast Asia, mainly India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Myanmar, but is naturalized and cultivated in many countries, including those in Africa and the Caribbean. Myanmar accounts for nearly one third of the world's total teak production.

The word teak comes from the Malayalam (in the Malabar region) word theka or tekka.

Tectona grandis is a large, deciduous tree that is dominant in mixed hardwood forests. It has small, fragrant white flowers and papery leaves that are often hairy on the lower surface.

Tectona grandis is a large, deciduous tree up to 40 m (131 ft) tall with gray to grayish brown branchlets. Leaves are ovate-elliptic to ovate, 15 to 45 cm (5.9 to 17.7 in) long by 8 to 23 cm (3.1 to 9.1 in) wide, and are held on robust petioles that are 2 to 4 cm (0.8 to 1.6 in) long. Leaf margins are entire.

Fragrant white flowers are borne on 25 to 40 cm (10 to 16 in) long by 30 cm (12 in) wide panicles from June to August. The corolla tube is 2.5 to 3 mm long with 2 mm wide obtuse lobes. Tectona grandis sets fruit from September to December; fruits are globose and 1.2 to 1.8 cm in diameter. Flowers are weakly protandrous in that the anthers precede the stigma in maturity and pollen is shed within a few hours of the flower opening. The flowers are primarily entomophilous (insect-pollinated), but can occasionally be anemophilous (wind-pollinated).

A 1996 study found that in its native range in Thailand, the major pollinator were species in the Ceratina genus of bees.

Teak is a yellowish brown timber with good grains and texture. It is used in the manufacture of outdoor furniture, boat decks, and other articles where weather resistance is desired. It is also used for cutting boards, indoor flooring, countertops and as a veneer for indoor furnishings.

Teak, though easily worked, can cause severe blunting on edged tools because of the presence of silica in the wood. Teak's natural oils make it useful in exposed locations, and make the timber termite and pest resistant. Teak is durable even when not treated with oil or varnish. Timber cut from old teak trees was once believed to be more durable and harder than plantation grown teak. Studies have shown Plantation Teak performs on par with old-growth teak in erosion rate, dimensional stability, warping, and surface checking, but is more susceptible to color change from UV exposure.

Teak is used extensively in India to make doors and window frames, furniture and columns and beams in old type houses. It is very resistant to termite attacks. Mature teak fetches a very good price. It is grown extensively by forest departments of different states in forest areas.

Leaves of the teak wood tree are used in making Pellakai gatti (jackfruit dumpling), where batter is poured into a teak leaf and is steamed. This type of usage is found in the coastal district of Udupi in the Tulunadu region in South India. The leaves are also used in gudeg, a dish of young jackfruit made in Central Java, Indonesia, and give the dish its dark brown color.

Teak Tree Trivia

The teak tree is a type of birch tree that grows in tropical climates and is associated with the Burmese Rain Forests!

Teak wood has a high oil content which makes it resistant to rot and protects it from being invaded by insects.

Teak is a very long lasting wood which is a popular choice for outdoor furniture for the patio. Minimal maintenance required for long lasting garden furniture.

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