Sequoia Tree Pictures

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On this Sequoias page you will find lots of nice images of sequoia trees.

Sequoia Tree

You will also find a lot of wonderful information on sequoia trees, including information about the sequoia tree species, planting information, and much more.

This is valuable and useful information that can help you to learn more about the sequoia tree.

Sequoia Images

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Sequoia Tree Photo Gallery: Images of the Sequoia Tree


Red Sequoia Tree


Sequoia Trees

sequoia picture

Sequoia Tree Canopy

gnarled sequoia tree
sequoia tree
sequoia image
sequoia photo
sequoia pic
redwood sequoia
sequoia log
sequoia tree
sequoia pic
sequoia photograph
sequoia bark

Sequoia Tree Pictures 1 - Sequoia Tree Pictures 2

Sequoia Trees, Information on the Sequoia Tree

Here is some detailed information on the sequoia tree.

Sequoia is a genus of redwood coniferous trees in the Sequoioideae subfamily, of the Cupressaceae family. The only extant species of the genus is the Sequoia sempervirens in the Northern California coastal forests ecoregion of Northern California and Southern Oregon in the United States. The two other genera, Sequoiadendron and Metasequoia, in the subfamily Sequoioideae are closely related to Sequoia. It is one of the largest trees in California

Several extinct species have been named from fossils, including Sequoia affinis, Sequoia chinensis of China, Sequoia langsdorfii, Sequoia dakotensis of South Dakota (Maastrichtian), and Sequoia magnifica.

In the Mesozoic era this example of megaflora was widespread and contributed most of the 150 or so redwood species worldwide.


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